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twit_400x400Villager FC has a long and illustrious history that goes back 138 years to 1876, when the club was officially founded on 2nd June, even though the first reported match was in 1875. The name Villager derives from the distinct villages that formed Cape Town, someone living in a village is called a villager – and thus the name Villager FC was born.

Villager FC have since 2013 embarked on a fairly courageous path by returning to operating as an amateur club. At the time the decision was not taken lightly especially taking into consideration the history of the club. However after their phenomenal 2014 season Villagers were crowned champions of the SLB and promoted to the SLA. They currently lie 10th on the SLA log.

VFC will never lose its competitive spirit – and will always endeavour to compete at the top. They have professional structures in place and continue to strive for improvement every year. This together with their excellent facilities and the fact that they are getting players to play for the right reasons, Villagers will without a doubt return to being a top class club in no time.

author: Zone Fitness



twit_400x400Villager FC has a long and illustrious history that goes back 138 years to 1876, when the club was officially founded on 2nd June, even though the first reported match was in 1875. The name Villager derives from the distinct villages that formed Cape Town, someone living in a village is called a villager – and thus the name Villager FC was born.

Villager FC have since 2013 embarked on a fairly courageous path by returning to operating as an amateur club. At the time the decision was not taken lightly especially taking into consideration the history of the club. However after their phenomenal 2014 season Villagers were crowned champions of the SLB and promoted to the SLA. They currently lie 10th on the SLA log.

VFC will never lose its competitive spirit – and will always endeavour to compete at the top. They have professional structures in place and continue to strive for improvement every year. This together with their excellent facilities and the fact that they are getting players to play for the right reasons, Villagers will without a doubt return to being a top class club in no time.

author: Zone Fitness