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Best exercises for a perfect butt has published an article giving tips on how to get that perfect butt. Here are some of the best exercises.


1. Front Lunges

Front lunges are one of the absolute best exercises for your #butt. To start, stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with one leg, bending at the knee, until your knee is at a 90 degree angle. Step back. Repeat 15 to 20 times with each leg.


2. Side Lunges

A side lunge is very similar to a front lunge, only instead of stepping directly forward with one leg, you’ll go forward and to the right (with your right leg) or left (with your left #leg). Whew! It’s hard to keep your balance!


3. Back Lunges

Again, these are very similar #butt exercises to the front lunge, only (you guessed it!) instead of stepping forward, you’ll step backward. You might have to do these a little more slowly than the front lunges to avoid a fall, at least at first.


4. Squats

These are my own favorite exercises for my #butt. Stand with your hands and #arms straight in front of you, then, keeping your back straight, squat as though you’re going to sit in a chair behind you. Stop when your thighs are level with the ground, and your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. If it helps, you can lean against a wall to keep your balance.


5. Running

Running isn’t just great cardio! It’s also a marvelous #exercise for your butt! Even a good jog or brisk walk can help tone your tush. Lace up your shoes and go!


6. Leg Lift

Lie flat on your back with your #legs straight, and raise one leg straight in the air. Try not to bend your knee! Then, with your #arms and hands flat on the ground, raise your hips off the ground. Hold for five seconds. Repeat ten to fifteen times with each leg. Feel the burn! This is one #exercise for your butt you’ll feel right away! It also helps strengthen your core.


7. Step-Aerobics

Even if all you do is a simple up and down step, one foot at a #time, step-aerobics can be a great exercises for your butt! Turn on your favorite workout #song and keep stepping to the beat. If you’re feeling particularly motivated, try stepping along to a video or DVD. Yow!






author: Zone Fitness