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How to get the most from your workout without injury

Injuries are unpleasant, and they often come with unexpected setbacks. Pulling a muscle, dislocating a shoulder or any other injury can put off your training schedule for weeks. Even if it seems like a small injury, if you continue to train as you did before, it will more than likely make the injury worse.


In order to get the most out of your workout, you need to avoid injury and stay on the path to a happy, healthy body! One of the best ways to do so is to firstly know your limits! Yes, we should all try to aim high and set lofty goals, however, it’s necessary to know where your limits are. Facing a burnout can be just as detrimental to your training schedule, so know when to stop and when to have a rest day (or two!)


Secondly, warm-up! There is no chance you should start a gym session without doing your warm-up routine first! Doing your stretches beforehand ensures your muscles are supple and are less likely to be injured.


Some exercises are more attuned to physiology, too. For example, men generally respond better to exercises such as weightlifting and push-ups. On the other hand, women generally respond better to exercises that test their flexibility, such as pilates and cycling.


If you’re just starting out at the gym and you’re still getting to know your limits, it could be a good idea to do a few lessons with a professional trainer. This way, they can assess your body, goals and limits. It’ll enable you to set realistic goals and have someone by your side to help you train, which is a good motivator for some people. Personal trainers have seen numerous body types (and injuries), and they’re there to share their professional advice and experience with you to set you on the right path!


Switch up your routine. If you continue doing the same routine over and over, the chances of you forming a workout/repetitive injury are much greater. Research has shown that your body can adapt to a routine in just 4 – 6 weeks, so keep this in mind when planning your workout sessions!
Another important factor to consider is your workout gear. Wear something that you are comfortable and confident in! Your workout shoes are one of the most important items. For example, jogging can cause knee and foot issues, as well as cartilage injury. Wearing the correct, secure shoes can help avoid this.  

author: Zone Fitness