This shortcut allows you to create news boxes, news lists and metro styled ... you know, news of course. You can build whatever you like, ex. present new list on styled background width one color sheme. Remember start form adding post before you add a shortcode - just joking, right ?
How to Detox with Technology
We are all aware of a digital detox, how time away from your gadgets and apps can help improve your mental state. But what about incorporating your technology in your lives to make you happier and healthier? Here is the list of top apps to help you detox. Viridian 7 Day Sugar Detox We all know of th...0Comments14.12.2018Easy 30 minute Core Exercises
Core strength is important for balance and stability while working out. Most activities and sports depend on strong core muscles. Don't let life get in the way of strengthening your core with these easy exercises!0Comments29.03.2018Love Your Body Inspiration: Marciel Hopkins
Embracing the body that you are in today can seem like a daunting task. Instead of trying to live up to world’s idea of ‘beautiful’, our focus should rather be on being healthy and being the best version of yourself possible.0Comments29.03.2018